The first boot up of my ROM is crucial to the installation of many many features. Once you install my ROM and boot up for the first time, DO NOT touch your device until it reboots itself. Let me state this one more time for those who will have issues, DO NOT touch your device after the first boot of my ROM until it reboots itself.
You must wipe data and cache, I don't care if you have 1000 apps installed, you must do it. I knew that would be a hard statement to swallow so I created an automatic restore feature. When your Droid boots up for the first time, my ROM will check 3 different places on your sdcard to restore apps from. If it finds any apps in any of the 3 locations, they will automatically be restored so you do not have to search for them individually in the market. First it will check the sdcard for an appsbackup.tgz (some ROMs used this to backup apps). Secondly, it will check /sdcard/backups/apps, the same directory Astro File Manager uses to backup apps. And for those coming from Simply Stunning, my ROM will also check /sdcard/SimplyStunning/apps. For those who do not want certain apps installed, remove them from these locations on your sdcard before you install my ROM.
So what exactly is occurring during this first boot (other than the automatic restore)? Well I created a way to install apps into the data partition upon my ROMs installation rather than into the system partition. Does it make sense to you to include an app that can be found on the Market in the system partition where it can not be uninstalled? Doesn't make sense to me either, I'm glad we agree. 24 apps are installed into the data partition upon the first installation of my ROM. I have even made many system apps installable and moved them to the data partition to eliminate the need for scripts. Now if you wish to uninstall an app, simply go to Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage Applications and uninstall them!
To be sure that everything installed correctly type in the following command via adb shell or terminal emulator:
cat /data/log.txt
You should see something like this...
Adobe flash install: Success
Amazon mp3 install: Success
BB toolkit install: Success
Beast tips widget install: Success
Droid 2 eye install: Success
Droid x eye install: Success
DSP manager install: Success
Genie widget install: Success
Gmail install: Success
Google Search install: Success
Maps install: Success
Petes blog install: Success
Quick office install: Success
Sound recorder install: Success
Spare parts install: Success
Street view install: Success
Terminal emulator install: Success
Testing menu install: Success
Video player install: Success
Video camera install: Success
Voice search install: Success
Wired tether install: Success
Wireless tether install: Success
YouTube install: Success
User settings restore: Success
User settings backup installation: SuccessIf any of them say failure you should reinstall the ROM. If "user settings restore" says failure that is ok, it simply means your settings were not restored from your sdcard because they may not be available.
In a way, you can say I am paying you $3 to try my ROM. I have included 3 of my Market apps in my ROM for free. One of them being "Video Camera" which is a shortcut icon to open the camera app in video camera mode. Saves some time, never know when you need to get a quick video of something! Another app I included is "Testing Menu", basically another shortcut icon to open the hidden testing menu that can be accessed through the hotkeys I created (hold left alt & menu keys). Lastly, in order to provide my users with the latest updated Sound Recorder app, I included my app as well. Without my "Sound Recorder" app, there is no way to open the latest Froyo sound recorder. If you enjoy any of these apps or my work, please consider purchasing them in the market or making a donation.
Just a heads up for you tech savy users, you can also cat /data/backup.txt and cat /data/cpu.txt
Speaking of the cpu, the Automatic Overclocking I created a while back is now "Smart". It will check to see if your kernel is above or below 800mhz and apply different settings for each scenario.
For a full list of changes and features, checkout the changelog
Even more information can be found in my post on
Download Links: (Use these only, no mirrors!) Main Link Mirror
Thanks Pete!
ReplyDeleteDownloading now!
Thank you, Pete!!!
ReplyDeleteGood things are worth waiting for.
Been looking forward to this for a while now. Thanks so much for your hard work, I LOVE your ROMs! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks pete! downloading now, any word on the dx version?
ReplyDeleteI love you!!!
ReplyDeleteI think I might switch back to BB from Cyanogen6 to try this out!
ReplyDeleteDUDE!!!! THANKS! About to install! Enjoy your tasty food! That sandwich looks AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteNice work Peter, when will the version for X be out? Any time table?
ReplyDeleteIn one of your tweets you mentioned bugless beast for Droid X too so is this for Droid X as well or only the Droid?
ReplyDeleteDamn that download link is slammed.
ReplyDeleteEveryone may want to wait a little bit to get this or you may get a corrupt d/l
Thanks Pete!
ReplyDeleteGoing to install it now =]
Thank you thank you thank you thank you.
Awesome! I'm trying to dl it through my phone, the wireless I am on is blocking me. Hopefully I can get it before the masses get wind and bog down the pipe. Thanks again!
ReplyDeletehot buttery steak damm!!!
ReplyDeleteYou the man Pete...
Wish I still had my droid for this reason, but I saw u mention a version for the droid x.. so hopefully soon cuz I can't wait to give my DX a lil of some BB taste.
ReplyDeleteYou the man, Pete. Thanks a million!
ReplyDeleteCant wait for themes to be ported to this, oh shiittttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBest $3 I ever made! Haha our patience has definitely paid off. Go enjoy your burger my friend - you certainly deserve it!
ReplyDeleteFinally I almost started to like the dark side of sapphire but i can finally get some bugless beast back on my phone :) I'll be sending another donation soon thanks a ton pete
ReplyDeleteWorkin good
ReplyDeleteWorks perfectly.
ReplyDeleteInstalled per directions, downloaded titanium, restored apps+setting with Titanium. 10 minutes after restart phone is perfect all apps ready to go.
I noted that BB's backtool missed a few settings, for example the phonebook, call log, and Google chats, but Titanium took care of that. Also, titanium missed restoring settings any apps the first time around if they were being activity being auto-downloaded in market.
Great Job Pete Thanks for all the Hard work you do ! Your the best !
ReplyDeleteOne day you are going to be a millionaire!!!
Can't wait to try this when I get out of class at 10 tonight. I unfortunately committed the horrible crime of leaving my usb cable at home and I have no battery left. :( Thank you for your hard work Pete. Everyone should donate a bit to Pete so he can get another sandwich!
ReplyDeleteWorks Great.
ReplyDeleteThanks Pete!!!
Hey... How do I put the auto brightness back to stock? It seems like it doesn't work, and I've reinstaled twice. In a bright room it dimms to almost off, then as the auto dimmer comes on it actually gets BRIGHTER! Much better the way it was...
ReplyDeleteJust in case - step by step using sprecovery assuming rooted obv?
ReplyDelete1) backup apps to sdcard via (astro?)
2) post to droid sdcard
3) reboot into sprecovery (power-x)
4) wipe data and cache
5) install (deprecated)
6) reboot and wait for droid to reboot again (?)
7) setup accounts (google, etc...)
8) restore apps via (?astro)
Sound right or?
yes, for sprecovery, rename to dont be fooled by the droid icon trying to get you to touch it the first time
ReplyDeleteMake sure you uninstall Swype before you back up apps and install new rom.
ReplyDeleteSwype spam-FC'd once my phone rebooted the second time. Had to uninstall and reinstall.
Does anybody know if the v04 themes (nextheme, smoked glass) will work with this ROM?
ReplyDeleteThis is the first BB ROM I've tried and I like it! Thanks a lot Pete!
ReplyDeletegreat job again pete, no one does as good a job as you.
ReplyDeleteIts running like a champ! Thanks Pete!
ReplyDeleteanyone tried running a custom kernel with this?
ReplyDeleteSOO excited for this. But holy shit that burger looks good!
ReplyDeleteGreat ROM Pete, the best yet by far. I appreciate the work you do my man. Donation coming your way for this.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking for some links for a couple Kernels that will work with this ROM... if anyone has any, please post or point me in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteAmazing..Thanks..Downloaded and Installed. Hopefully BB5 fixes the dreaded exchange email issue I had with the stock FRG22D.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to downloand it and it keeps saying download unsuccessful--the content is not supported by this phone. I have a droid and have version .4 on it now. Can anyone help?? Thanks
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to install. Thanks Pete. Will donate very soon! You deserve it!
ReplyDeleteThank you greatly for your hard work
ReplyDeleteTook the plunge and applied NexTheme 0.4 + the corresponding TLSMod, everything seems fine to me! Nandroid before you test as well, YMMV. But everything is fine for me, dark theme fans dive in, things seem just fine!
ReplyDeleteYOU ROCK, Pete! I upgraded from BB v0.4 and have been running this for about 3 hours now, and it's BLAZING FAST! Thanks for all your hard work... donation coming your way soon!
ReplyDeleteCan anybody tell me how to recover my apps from the sd card? I downloaded Astro and dont know where to look
ReplyDeleteLoving it so far...Great work as I can finally connect to my router again with no more WPA2 issues
ReplyDeleteDamn... its about time
ReplyDeleteThanks Pete. Runs like a champ.
ReplyDeleteKevin, I used JDLFG's 1200 .32 kernel with no problems ;)
ReplyDeleteSmoked Glass for 0.5 is out.
ReplyDeleteusing ChevyNo1 LV 1.2ghz (7slot) without any problems.
ReplyDeletew00t! can't wait to get it installed!
ReplyDelete@Tychus Findlay
ReplyDeletedon't be a dick, pete is a student and does this in his free time. Try thank you next time!
Great job, no issues so far! Thanx!!!
Is there any difference between the apps Pete had and the current market apps? I think I reinstalled my old apps over his when restoring them
ReplyDeleteWill this auto restore titanium backed up apps?
ReplyDeleteWishing I could do this; am not so experienced.... I even lost my root when my droid got replaced &came with Frg22d....
ReplyDeleteUsing ChevyNo1 ulv 1ghz kernel, cpu and battery averaging around 95 degrees is that normal?
ReplyDeleteChevyNo1 kernels with Tun work great with BB0.5. Nice work Pete. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWill the watermarkd theme work with this new vers?
ReplyDeletewill the BBv04 watermark theme work with BBv05?
ReplyDeleteAfter a couple small issues works FREAKING AWESOME! Your the man.
ReplyDeleteThe whole "don't touch it" thing confuses me. When I let the phone reboot following installation, I was prompted to log in ("touch the droid"), just as I have to do every time I wipe data and cache. I have to enter this information don't I?
ReplyDeleteIt works great except for one thing. When I press on the home button, I get haptic feedback, but other than that it doesn't do anything. For instance if I'm using an app, hitting the home button does nothing. Anyone have any ideas?
ReplyDeleteGreat Build Pete. Works great with ChevyNo1 ulv 1.1 kernal. Add the Fabolous_NexTheme I'm in heaven. Keep up the great work.
ReplyDeleteSo, I installed as instructed. However, my phone's memory is now pretty filled up. I have moved all the apps I can to CD card. Does anyone know how to clean up the internal storage?
ReplyDeletewhat kernel does it come with? ?GHz
ReplyDeleteThank you Pete
ReplyDeleteAnd I figured it out. The first time I installed it I had some issues after install an overclocked kernel. So I re-installed the backup and tried again, although the second time I forgot to wipe the cache. Seems to work great now! Expect a donation soon Pete!
ReplyDeleteits telling me that my user settings restore failed. I have no idea what i did wrong, any ideas guys?
ReplyDeleteSo everything seems awesome so far. I restored mostly just my apps with titanium backup. I was wondering if I restore my '[Desktop] Launcher 2.2' from Titanium, is it going to cause problems? I'd like to get my five homepages back, but not if I'm going to cause issues in performance (or possibly is there something new in the launcher for 0.5 that I would overwrite/miss out on?)
ReplyDeletewhere can i get the Watermark theme that works with this BBv05???
ReplyDeleteWorked for me...initial reboot was 10 minutes (it was so hard to resist touching!). I assume it because I had a boatload of apps backed up!
ReplyDeleteI just finshed installing BBv05 and it runs flawless, the bench mark with a 1.1GHz P3 medium voltage kernel is 1468. So far so good. I'm looking for the watermark theme to go with BBv05. I have one for BBv04 but not sure if it will work. ANYBODY KNOW!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you PETE Donations on their way sir!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmazon MP3 continues to reinstall itself after being removed. Can somebody please help? I hate that app and want it gone like it was in 0.4. How do I do it? I'm super unfamiliar with programming.
ReplyDeleteI was realy fed up with getting ota updates every few days and was going to go back to stock but thought I'd check in here one last time And I'm sooo happy I did. It is an awesome rom everything works great installed a chevys 1.25 kernal and no issues. Thanks again Pete.
ReplyDeleteGlad bb5 is here, I am still looking for spectacular.
ReplyDeleteTim, could you post a link or tell me where to find that kernel? Thanks man.
ReplyDeleteso is there a good black theme I can install over this?
ReplyDeleteSeems to run great. I'm spoiled with watermark theme and htc_itm mod keyboard and neither seem to want to play together.
ReplyDeleteRuns a lot smoother than v.4.
ReplyDeleteVery good work :D I had some problems with Messenger FC every time I opened a thread, but that fixed itself after my contacts updated from my google account.
Hey Pete - I love BB5 so far in every way except the auto-brightness doesnt work well. It stays too dim during the night hours or at least thats when I noticed it. I currently have it unchecked and the marker around 20% compared to the whole bar. Maybe thats better though? ha ha
ReplyDeleteJust FYI :-)
Does anyone know if there's an active forum for this release? I noticed that it hasn't been posted over at there somewhere else to go? It seems like all we have here is a series of questions with no one answering.
ReplyDeleteLoving the new BB, however im missing my stock Alarm clock app. Anyone else with this problem? o.0
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is, Well done. Some of my google apps I could not get to work in last version, and I kept getting the OTA notification. This is very strong! And.. I am running at 1000mhz
ReplyDelete1st Custom Rom ever. Seems pretty cool. Was rooted for 2 weeks prior. I'm still trying to figure out why this is better than stock FRG22D rooted. I am assuming that I will get better battery life out of this Rom. Other than that I'll just have to dig. Also need guidance on what kernels are supposed to work or if they will even help anything.
ReplyDeleteHi Pete, and are still blocked in the hosts file. What is the best way to get that fixed?
Thanks Pete!
ReplyDeleteYou should see another small donation from me shortly.
Hey Pete. I was on simply stunning before... this rom is so fucking awesome, I can not believe how well my phone runs now. By far the best one I have used. Thanks for unlocking greatness
ReplyDeleteWill this work on my Android Droid phone with Firmware 2.0?
ReplyDeleteBest regards,
Absolute Noob question.
ReplyDeleteI have stock 2.2 (no root, nothing)
Do I need to install anything prior to this?
Or can I just change it to "" and run it from recovery as is (will it give root access without needing outside software?)
Or do I need something like easyroot to use this?
I've been waiting for this so I could try out my droid 1 and really play with it.
Been to the forums and can't find an answer to this.
Thank you for your hard work, this looks amazing and I wanna play with it :)
Pete! Help! Followed step by step it just won't work. It won't even let me boot to recovery to try to manually install it. Sad day....any suggestions??? Email me at if anyone has any answers. But thanks anyway pete. Running bb for a while now and still love tha man!!
ReplyDeleteHey Pete - I have tried several times now to install the beast... i really wanna play! but despite my careful attention to the instructions (including the backup tool several weeks ago) on the second boot up, the boot freezes up at google location services. I tried using ROM manager, SDK and clockwork, tried redownloading, renaming, installing from SD in separate folder... have returned to version 4 which has always worked perfectly for me, but i really wanna play with 5. I tried to post this this basic question on day 2 after the post but am not sure it went through, if it did, please forgive the pestering. Any help you can give would be great. I am looking forward to the beastly awesomness of 5. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteROM manager lists 2 updates to v0.5. anyone have any info on these? are we advised to run them after installation?
ReplyDeleteanybody know any kernels that work with bb v.05 tried chevys and p3droid and my phone kept freezing during the boot
ReplyDeleteIf market is not working correctly:
ReplyDeleteFor support visit a forum such as:
I'm using chevys medium voltage 1.2Ghz. I couldn't get the low voltage to install
ReplyDeleteso i just bought a captivate...can I just put this rom on my phone or do i need to root it first..sorry kinda new at this but a lot of people recommended your work so its obviously top notch...would appreciate any help i could get..literally walking me through step by step..i have no problem donating
ReplyDeleteI installed BB v0.5 and ChevyNo1 ultra low voltage 1.2GHz kernel and my phone is blazingly fast. Thank you so much!
ReplyDelete@anonymous: you have to root your device first. use easyroot or universal androot then install clockwork ROM manager. you can NEVER flash a custom ROM on an unrooted device.
ReplyDelete@pete: no you can't use bugless on a captivate it is for DROID only so far. If you want something for your captivate then look at pete's other post and you'll find the unleash the beast tool.
@pete said...
ReplyDeleteThis is the Motorola Droid build of Pete's ROM. It is not designed to install on the Captivate.
THANKS PETE!! V.05 is great. I was wondering if you could look into the navigation - music issue on your next release or perhaps find a solution. Apparently since froyo was released, when in navigation mode most if not all music player (bplayer,Pandora etc.) pause and do not resume as they did in 2.1 (gonna get me killed messing with my phone and taking a turn) Google knows about it, but no fix yet. If anyone could do it its you!
ReplyDeleteIm slightly confused, is this for the Droid X as well?
ReplyDeleteUpdated to v0.5 Trying to setup/config an Exchange acct (corp email) which I have successfully done in previous version. This time when I enter all info (domain/user etc.) I get 'The application Email (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.' Any help much apprieciated... contact me at
ReplyDeleteGood job Pete. Running for a few days now with Slayher 1100 LV v1.6 interactive gov and this phone is smooth as hell. Thanks dude:)
ReplyDeleteDownload improved email from the Android Market. It work with all version of Froyo. The Bug is in the email program not with this awesome build!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited about this!!! I just did the final reboot, went downstairs for 5 mins and came back to find my droid waiting for me to get past the initial set up and saw all the apps u put onto this ROM. U ROCK!! I will defo be donating to you! THANK YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteJust read the post for the latest BB ROM. Haven't installed it yet--still lovin' BB v.0.4--sending a donation very soon. Thanx a bunch, Pete!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much pete! Much appreciated hard work!! Anyone else not nable to view downloads with Market? Mine comes up with a blank list.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Pete. I have tried Simply stunning 4.8 but it messed up my phone so I went back to BB and it is running without a problem.
ReplyDeleteOnly thing missing is the swype keyboard application
ReplyDeleteWill this ROM work on the Droid 2? Anybody tried this yet?
ReplyDeleteJust donated! Keep up the great work Peter :) I have been using BB since the beginning and love every single one that comes out more than the previous! I don't know how you can possibly top this one....LOL
ReplyDeleteFirst thanks for your work pete! Everything seems to be working fine save for the wifi-tether app. its a silly question but does the kernel support net-filtering? I'm sure you wouldn't have put that app there if it didn't. Please help
ReplyDeletethis may be a stupid question but I am new to this stuff. If I am on 2.1 update1 can I download this and put it on my sd card as and install it or is there something else I have to do?
ReplyDeleteJust switched to BB .5 from Cyanogen - all I can say is WOW! So much faster! Hoping that the battery life improves too - can't wait to play around with it some more!
ReplyDeleteHey ladies and gents, about how long does it take for the droid to reboot the second time after the 1st boot of the phone after installation?
Is this only for the "droid" or can I run it safely on my EVO?
ReplyDeletePete included a wireless tether in bb v0.5. Works great. I turned the phone into a hotspot. Question: is this detectable by Verizon?
ReplyDeleteBest ROM I have discovered for my Moto Droid!!!! Thank You!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust a question however, Has anyone else had an issue with not being able to update the CarHome app?
thanks pete. you rock!!
ReplyDeleteIs anyone else not able to see the microphone/speech to text in the BB 05 keyboard? Do I need to replace the keyboard to get it? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI am unable to install bb5 through rom manager or any app for that matter. It seems I have no space left on my SD card. I dont know how and what to delete from my SD card. I am worried that I might delete something important! sure would appreciate some help! I'm an admitted nube.
ReplyDeleteGreat ROM. One problem though. When i use SDMove to put apps to sd card i get sd move failed, but when i do it again it goes through. Is this a bug or normal?
ReplyDeletePete, nice app2sd script, i can even move copy protected apps , pretty cool. But your FRG22D odexed version starts with 253mb internal storage, I went through the system app partition and deleted a lot of apps, and data/cache cleared which allowed me to then have 259mp internal storage.... Now with this BBv0.5 FRG22D i deleted most of the data partition and system partition apps like I did in the odexed version. But the BBv0.5 FRG22D was only able to free up to 235mb internal storage, any idea on how to clear more like your odexed version?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if this ROM has the problem with Navigation crashing music players (as explained on I'm rockin' the BB Eclair, but I'd love to go Froyo if this problem is fixed. I tried the latest Froyo version around the end of August, and it was still a problem. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNoob here...will this work for my Droid Incredible? I am running stock everything on the VW network. Software version is 2.2. Thanks!
ReplyDeletedude thanks. I am installibg v6 but i just wanted to take the time to say thank you for making my phone run like a champ. I especially enjoy the removal of all bs bloatware and the speediness of market and etcetcetc. So thank u and please keep up the great work my ninja. Posted from my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate.
ReplyDeletei installed on my Droid 1 and ever since I've don e this I've noticed that the in-call volume on the phone is very much quieter then it used to be and find it very hard to hear most of the time. I have tried to fix using DSP Manager but that only changes the external speaker and the Bluetooth. I really like this ROM and dont want to switch again. Is there a way that you can fix this?
Pete! Anyone! Please help!
ReplyDeleteGot a new phone. Warranty replacement for my Moto Droid. Old device was rooted with easyroot, rom manager, superuser, bb v0.6. Tried other roms, but my heart belongs to Bugless Beast. Have rooted 3 moto droids and run BB.
PROBLEM with new device! From what I've read, FRG83D is difficult to root. Easyroot isn't working. Universal Androot isn't working. Don't know if it matters, but I didn't wipe sd card. I simply swapped it out from old device.
Please help! I miss Bugless Beast!
Brian, do not wipe your SD CARD, that has nothing to do with anything. You have to figure out your root issue first, then use the SD card to restore all your good stuff later on. Worry about getting root, install bugless and then you can focus on doing the restoring. You might have to do the old school root using the motorola tools and all that, it has been forever since I have done it, but I think that might be a starting point.